Dr. Snow has 30+ years of experience in complementary and integrative health (CIH) with an emphasis in herbal medicine, and more recently nutrition. He has worked in private practice, taught at the graduate level, conducted a range of CIH research, and served as MUIH's dean of academic affairs.
Professional Narrative
Dr. Snow is particularly interested in how we merge traditional knowledge and practices with modern scientific perspectives. Other areas of interest include placebo effects and the use of evidence-informed practice by complementary and integrative health practitioners.
His primary area of expertise is herbal medicine and the intersection of culinary and medicinal herbs with the field of nutrition. Dr. Snow worked as an herbal clinician in private and group practice for 15 years before progressing through instructional and administrative roles as academic director of herbal medicine and integrative health sciences, assistant provost for academic research, and dean of academic affairs. He serves on the editorial board for the Journal of the American Herbalist Guild and as an advisor to the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia.
As an instructor, Dr. Snow aims to help students find and evaluate information resources, develop their own voice, and apply learning to their specific interests and future career goals.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Snow, J. E., Leach, M. J., & Clare, B. A. (2017). Attitudes, skill and use of evidence-based practice among US Western herbal medicine providers: a national survey. Journal of complementary & integrative medicine, 14(1), /j/jcim.2017.14.issue-1/jcim-2015-0101/jcim-2015-0101.xml. https://doi.org/10.1515/jcim-2015-0101
Teo, L., Crawford, C., Snow, J., Deuster, P. A., Bingham, J. J., Gallon, M. D., O'Connell, M. L., Chittum, H. K., Arzola, S. M., & Berry, K. (2017). Phytochemicals to optimize cognitive function for military mission-readiness: a systematic review and recommendations for the field. Nutrition reviews, 75(suppl_2), 49–72. https://doi.org/10.1093/nutrit/nux005
Snow J. (2016). Context Effects in Western Herbal Medicine: Fundamental to Effectiveness?. Explore (New York, N.Y.), 12(1), 55–62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.explore.2015.10.004
Pengelly, A., Snow, J., Mills, S. Y., Scholey, A., Wesnes, K., & Butler, L. R. (2012). Short-term study on the effects of rosemary on cognitive function in an elderly population. Journal of medicinal food, 15(1), 10–17. https://doi.org/10.1089/jmf.2011.0005
Snow, J. & Spelman, K. (2011). The Influence of Bitter, Aromatic and Pungent Medicinal Plants on Gut Function. In G. Mullin, L. Matarese & M. Palmer (Eds.) Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Nutrition Desk Reference (pp. 237-250). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/b11184
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