Many employers may be missing the mark when it comes to developing well-being programs that their employees find valuable to address stress in the workplace.
The biggest drivers of employee burnout:
31% lack of support from leadership
30% unrealistic deadlines, results, or expectations
29% consistently working long hours or on weekends
MUIH Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) is poised to provide an effective and experiential training program to cultivate resilience and address burnout within your organization and amongst teams.
This transformational program is grounded in the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) of heath behavior change, which involves observational learning, guiding participants to consider multiple ways to change behavior; for example, targeting both knowledge and attitudes, and making a change in the environment.
Learning Objectives
Recognize signs of burnout and the health and workplace implications of chronic stress
Discover simple strategies to effectively manage stress and to optimize productivity
Identify opportunities to build skills and healthy behaviors for enhanced wellbeing
Model best practices of leadership to cultivate a culture of wellness, prioritizing self-care
Explore individual and group experiential practices to build resilience
Develop a personalized wellness plan to apply learned approaches into daily life
Practice implementation of individual goals with support of experienced health coach
Content and exercises in this program can be customized to the industry and organization to make the training highly relevant to the participants. Group coaching sessions may be included to further explore and apply concepts to build resilience long-term. In which case, evidence-based well-being assessments may be incorporated to measure impact. Additionally, consulting is available to organizations and teams to develop and implement effective workplace wellness structures, practices, and programming. Contact the Office of Professional and Continuing Education at for more information.
Presentation & Activity: Sharing Individual Health Goal/Intention Drafts
Discussion Activity
Visioning Exercise
Closing & Next Steps
BONUS (optional):
Added Value! Asynchronous Virtual Team Support (e.g., Teams, Slack) to further engage participants in-between virtual coaching sessions, to include such items as a shared gratitude practice, session follow-up, Q&A, group accountability and support, bonus materials and resources and more!
Custom Training Program Implementation
As a leader in integrative health education, MUIH is uniquely positioned to offer customized workshops and training programs for your organization to foster a healthier work environment. Through a collaborative process, we will work closely with you to create a program targeted to your desired results.
A training program with MUIH is designed similar to the way we approach health prevention and treatment: with a holistic and customized approach. Together, through a mutually beneficial partnership, we aim to create a healthier workplace and a healthier world.
Program outcomes are co-created and refined with the client during the Program Kickoff and Needs Assessment Meetings. A custom Training Program Proposal will be provided to you to create a program that meets your unique needs, which may include the following deliverables:
Initial Training Consultation
Interactive Learning Session(s) (onsite – date, location & frequency TBD by the Client & MUIH)
Integrated Group Coaching Session(s) (virtual or onsite)
Certificates of Completion & CEUs
Training Materials
Pre-and-Post Workshop Online Learning Activities and Discussions with Participants (optional)
Post-Program Completion Debrief Meeting with Leadership Team
Post-Learning Session Evaluation Summary Report
Connect with Us & Request Info
Please feel free to contact us at with questions about PCE and our offerings. We are pleased to hear from you!
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An MUIH education is not just for living, but for life.