Is financial aid available for Acupuncture students?
Yes! The financial aid department is available to help with your questions and needs to afford any program. Check out our Student Eligibility Requirements and email us at with additional questions.
Do I need further licensing to practice acupuncture?
Each state, including Maryland, has specific licensing procedures that must be met. Governmental laws, regulations, legal opinions, and requirements differ from country to country and state to state. MUIH cannot provide assurance that completion of the program will qualify a graduate to be registered or accepted under a state law other than Maryland. However, the University’s Acupuncture programs are designed to provide basic, solid competence in traditional acupuncture.
What careers can I pursue with a Master of Acupuncture?
Graduates of MUIH’s acupuncture and herbal medicine programs are employed in a variety of settings. These include private practice, integrative group practices, health care systems, hospitals and wellness centers. They may also include pain management centers, addiction treatment centers, behavioral and mental health centers. As well as, fertility centers, veterans and military organizations and agencies, state and local health departments, and colleges. The career outlook for AHM practitioners is strong, and national statistics indicate that individuals pursuing such careers successfully earn income and either establish a solo practice or are hired into a number of different healthcare settings. The AHM career track has been categorized as a “BrightOutlook” occupation by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and indicates that this occupation is predicted to experience rapid growth during the years 2018-2028.
What careers can I pursue with a Doctor of Acupuncture?
Graduates of MUIH’s acupuncture and herbal medicine programs are employed in a variety of settings. These include private practice, integrative group practices, health care systems, hospitals and wellness centers. They may also include pain management centers, addiction treatment centers, behavioral and mental health centers. As well as, fertility centers, veterans and military organizations and agencies, state and local health departments, and colleges. The career outlook for AHM practitioners is strong, and national statistics indicate that individuals pursuing such careers successfully earn income and either establish a solo practice or are hired into a number of different healthcare settings. The AHM career track has been categorized as a “BrightOutlook” occupation by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and indicates that this occupation is predicted to experience rapid growth during the years 2018-2028.
How to become a doctor of oriental medicine?
The Doctor of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization degree integrates the DAC curriculum with a deep concentration in the study of Chinese Herbs. This prepares graduates to meet the growing need and opportunities for well-trained Chinese medical practitioners to serve in numerous types of integrative medicine settings across the country. Click here to view an expanded description of the program highlights, learning outcomes, and curriculum for how to become a Doctor of Oriental Medicine.
How long does it take to become an acupuncturist?
Each curriculum for our AHM program ranges from 3-5 years (9-13 consecutive trimesters). Click here to view an expanded description of the program highlights, learning outcomes, and curriculum of the DAC program. See how it differs from the Doctor of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization, Master of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization, and Master of Acupuncture degrees.
Do acupuncturists make good money?
NCCAOM job analysis statistics indicate that 36% of AHM practitioners reported a total gross income (before taxes) of $40,000-$100,000 with 11% reporting gross incomes of $100,000 and above. The BLS reports the median average salary for AHM practitioners in 2017 was $73,830. To find more information on career outcomes, view all of our AHM programs.
What kind of degree do you need to be an acupuncturist?
To become an acupuncturist in the U.S., attending an accredited acupuncture or Chinese medicine program and obtaining a master’s degree is recommended. The Master of Acupuncture and Master of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization programs of Maryland University of Integrative Health are accredited. They are accredited under master’s degree standards by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM). This is the recognized accrediting agency for programs preparing acupuncture and Oriental medicine practitioners. Graduates are eligible to sit for certification exams offered by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Can you get an acupuncture degree online?
MUIH AHM programs are delivered primarily on campus with some online courses. Click here to view MUIH’s definition of online, hybrid, and on-campus course and program formats.
Can I study acupuncture online?
MUIH AHM programs are delivered primarily on campus with some online courses. Click here to view MUIH’s definition of online, hybrid, and on-campus course and program formats.
Is a doctor of acupuncture a real doctor?
Doctors of Acupuncture are doctors. Acupuncture has been recognized as a professional medical practitioner dating back over 2,500 years ago. The state of Maryland does recognize a Doctor of Acupuncture as a Doctor. However, there may be a waiting period between the completion of the program and the legal recognition allowing the graduate to begin practice. Until a graduate receives official notification of legal recognition to begin practice, they may continue to practice only under faculty supervision. Students who wish to continue to practice in Maryland after graduating, but prior to being licensed, must enroll in MUIH’s Trainee Program. Most states require successful completion of the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine exam. For more information, refer to nccaom.org.