Post-Baccalaureate Certificates

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025
Ayurvedic Wellness Practices (Online) x
Cannabis Science: Therapeutics, Product Design, and Quality Assurance (Online) x
Culinary Health and Healing (Online) x x
Health and Wellness Coaching (Online) x x
Herbal Studies (Online) x x
Integrative Health Studies (Online) x
Workplace Wellness (Online) x


Master’s Degrees

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025
Clinical Herbal Medicine (Online) x x
Health and Wellness Coaching (Online) x x
Health Promotion x
Herbal Product Design & Manufacture (Online) x x
Integrative Health Studies (Online) x
Nutrition and Integrative Health: Herbal Medicine Concentration (Online, Hybrid) x x
Nutrition and Integrative Health: Human Clinical Nutrition Concentration (Online, Hybrid) x x x
Yoga Therapy (Online) x


Post-Master’s Certificates

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025
Nutrition and Integrative Health (Online) x
Therapeutic Yoga Practices (Online)


Doctoral Degrees

Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025
Clinical Nutrition (Online) x x x

Additional program start dates may be added.
Please refer to each program’s format options and curriculum for specific details.

Program Format Definitions:

MUIH offers online, hybrid, and on-campus programs and courses. Applicants are encouraged to review the definition and description of each of these formats.

State Restrictions:

Due to federal, state, and higher education agency regulations, Maryland University of Integrative Health is restricted in the programs into which it can enroll individuals who reside in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Montana, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, or Wisconsin. Individuals residing in these states are encouraged to review the information at and to contact MUIH’s Office of Graduate Admissions at 443-906-5745 or  to discuss and understand their enrollment options.

Programs Not Currently Enrolling:

Click here to view the list of programs not currently enrolling.