
I have 38 years of experience in Western medicine and Chinese medicine in practice in university, hospital, and private clinic settings, in teaching Western medical doctor students and acupuncture and herbal medicine graduate students, in research about mechanisms of neurological diseases, epigenetics in oncology, and acupoints and dry needling.

Professional Narrative

My vision in practice is that everyone can live better. Patient-centered medicine can help people live their best life in harmony with body, mind and spirit.

My mission is to treat diseases, prevent illnesses and promote wellness.

My philosophy in practice is treating patients as full human beings by providing health-wellness care as well as disease care.

I apprenticed with my grandfather in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Zhu Danxi’s Nourishing Yin School. I am also a 5th generation practitioner of Cheng’s acupuncture. It is my privilege to offer Western people the option of TCM when needed. I have mastered a variety of techniques and skills, such as TCM acupuncture, 5-Element acupuncture, electronic acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, bleeding, Chinese herbal medicine, acu-herb rejuvenation, Chinese dietary consultation, Fu’s subcutaneous needling (FSN), trigger point acupuncture, dry needling acupuncture, Pi acupuncture, Cheng’s acupuncture, and health-wellness coaching.

My clinical practice covers the common and recurrent diseases and symptoms that have not responded to biomedicine, such as fascial and musculoskeletal pain, arthritis, neurological disorders (Parkinson’s diseases, post-stroke, Bell’s palsy, cerebral palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, neuropathy), cardiovascular diseases (coronary artery disease, post-heart attack, hypertension), GI diseases (indigestion, gastritis, stomachache, constipation, diarrhea, colitis), respiratory diseases (common cold, asthma and seasonal allergy, viral infection), urinary infection and stone pain, and chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, low libido, menopause, cancer management, among others.

I published the article Dry Needling is One Type of Acupuncture in Medical Acupuncture, a peer-reviewed, Western medical doctor-acupuncturist predominant journal. The article was named a High Impact Article in 2016 and was recommended as a continuing education course for Western medical doctors.

Selected Publications & Presentations

Book: Surface Anatomy of Acupuncture. Heming Zhu, Tatyana Maltseva and Kimberlea Freeman. Xlibris Corporation, USA, 2009

1. Heming Zhu and Heidi Most. How to Pass the NCCAOM Exams First Time. Acupuncture Today. October 2020.

2. Faming Zhang, Ting Zhang, Heming Zhu, Thomas J. Borody. Evolution of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Methodology and Ethics. Current Opinion Pharmacology. 2019, 49:11-16.

3. Heming Zhu and Heidi Most. Response to Dr. Greg Goddard re: Dry Needling Is One Type of Acupuncture. Medical Acupuncture. September 2017, 19(1).

4. Heming Zhu and Heidi Most. Response to Dommerholt and Stanborough re: Dry Needling Is One Type of Acupuncture. Medical Acupuncture. 2016, 28(4):288-289.

5. Heming Zhu and Heidi Most. Dry Needling is One Type of Acupuncture. Medical Acupuncture. 2016,28(4):184-193.

8. Heming Zhu. The Wisdom of Wellness in Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture Today, January 2012, 13(2): 32-33.

6. Faming Zhang and Heming Zhu. We all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. (a letter to editor on Chinese herbal medicine and fecal microbiota transplantation). American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2015, 110(12):1731-2.


Present courses: Biomedical Integration with Oriental Medicine I and II, Foundations of Oriental Medicine III, AOM Comprehensive Exam Past courses: Foundations of Oriental Medicine I, Surface Anatomy of Acupuncture, Physical Assessment, Integrative Science of Acupuncture, Neuroscience of Acupuncture, Experimental Acupuncture Interesting area: the courses that can help graduates build up their clinical competence.


First Place of Excellent PhD Graduate Thesis, Hubei Province, China, 1997. Fellow Award for Excellent Research, National Institute of Health, 2007. Herbert C. Brown Community Service Award, Tai Sophia Institute, 2010.

Personal Narrative

I live in Columbia, MD, with my wife, who was a classmate of mine in medical school. We both apprenticed with my grandfather in TCM.

I love fishing but enjoy even more lying down and watching the water and sky while my wife fishes. She usually catches a lot – a true fisherwoman! My task is to eat the fish she catches and to praise her delicious cooking. I wanted to be a Chinese calligrapher and painter since childhood. I bought many materials but only watched them lying in the closet. I love gardening and after more than ten years of hard work in my garden, my wife finally says I have made something worthwhile.

I love the quote of Laozi “Shang Shan Ruo Shui, Chu Xia Bu Zhen; Hou De Zai Wu, Dao Fa Zi Ra” / The superior good is like water, it stays in the low place without contending; the great virtue carries everything with it, the Dao follows natural self-being.

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