Press Release

Maryland University of Integrative Health and Notre Dame of Maryland University Continue Integration in Advance of Final Merger 

Laurel, MD – January 30, 2025

Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH) and Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU) are pleased to share that we continue to make progress during the transition period following the acquisition of MUIH by NDMU in February 2024, and before final approval of a merger of MUIH into NDMU by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE).

During the transition period, NDMU owns and continues to operate MUIH as a separately authorized and separately accredited postsecondary institution. Following the final merger, MUIH’s programs, students, and faculty will merge into NDMU as the new School of Integrative Health at NDMU.

MUIH continues to offer its high quality programs in a variety of integrative health fields, which emphasize a whole-person and relationship-centered approach to health and well-being. MUIH’s programs continue to be accredited in good standing, and the appropriate approvals have been received to transition these accreditations with MUIH’s programs to the new School of Integrative Health following the final merger. Faculty who are integrative health practitioners, researchers, and scholars continue to teach and mentor students. MUIH continues to admit new students into its programs and to be authorized to offer federal financial aid. Academic advisors continue to support the whole student through individualized advisement and connection to specialized support services. Since the acquisition, MUIH has expanded its student services and library resources.

Following the final merger, NDMU will become the nation’s first comprehensive university to have a school dedicated to integrative health alongside traditional health programs. The new School of Integrative Health at NDMU will ensure that integrative health professionals will continue to receive the education and development to advance the field. It will also encourage interprofessional understanding needed for the effective collaboration of integrative health and conventional healthcare fields to support the holistic health and well-being of individuals and communities.

USDE Approval: This is a two-step process that occurs post-closing (i.e., post-acquisition of MUIH by NDMU in February 2024). MUIH and NDMU received Step 1 (change in ownership) approval from USDE in January 2025. The Step 2 (merger) application and review process are underway. USDE’s approval of Step 2 is expected to be completed in 2025. MUIH and NDMU have continued to progress through the approval process following USDE’s interim reviews. The timing of the completion of these processes is determined by USDE.

State Authorization: MUIH continues to be authorized to operate and offer graduate programs by the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC).

Middle States Accreditation: MUIH continues to be accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). Completion of the final merger of MUIH into NDMU is expected to occur prior to the cessation of MUIH’s MSCHE accreditation on January 25, 2026, at which point MUIH will be operating as the School of Integrative Health at NDMU, under NDMU’s MSCHE accreditation.


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Prior Press Releases

Notre Dame of Maryland University, Maryland University of Integrative Health Announce Change-in-Ownership Toward Merger of MUIH Programs into NDMU

Laurel, MD – February 5, 2024

Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU) and Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH) have announced completion of the change-in-ownership step that moves the two institutions closer to a subsequent merger of MUIH’s graduate-level programs into NDMU. The two universities will enter into a transition period before the final approval of a second-step merger of MUIH’s programs in integrative health and wellness into a new School of Integrative Health at NDMU. This acquisition of MUIH by NDMU follows an October 2023 announcement of an agreement to merge MUIH programs in NDMU.

During the transition period, NDMU will own and operate MUIH as a separately authorized and separately accredited postsecondary institution. MUIH will continue to teach its students and operate under a shared services agreement with NDMU that will guide MUIH’s day-to-day work. Dr. Christina Sax, former provost and vice president for academic and student affairs at MUIH, will serve as interim president for MUIH during the transition period. After the transition period, the impending merger of MUIH’s programs into NDMU is expected to take place in 2025.

Following the anticipated merger in 2025, NDMU would become the nation’s first comprehensive university to have a school dedicated to integrative health. The School of Integrative Health at NDMU will ensure that integrative health professionals will continue to receive the education and development to advance the field. It will also encourage interprofessional understanding needed for the effective collaboration of integrative health and conventional healthcare fields to support the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

“As a leader in healthcare education, NDMU is expanding its distinctive brand of educating the next generation of healthcare leaders and caregivers,” said Dr. Marylou Yam, president of Notre Dame of Maryland University. “Healthcare professionals play a vital role in supporting the overall health of our communities, and this impending merger positions NDMU to continue to be at the forefront of addressing community needs with its educational offerings.”

The merger of MUIH programs into NDMU will add to NDMU’s already robust health sciences offerings. Established in 1895, NDMU is a non-profit, private comprehensive Catholic university offering a wide variety of career-focused undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and certificate programs. NDMU’s professional health programs include a bachelor’s in health sciences, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nursing, a Doctor of Pharmacy, a Doctorate in Occupational Therapy, a Master’s in Physician Assistant Studies, and Maryland’s first bachelor and master’s degree programs in Art Therapy.

A leading academic institution focused on the study and practice of integrative health and wellness, MUIH is currently one of the nation’s few universities dedicated solely to such practices, with programs in nutrition, health and wellness coaching, health promotion, herbal medicine, acupuncture, integrative health studies, yoga therapy, and Ayurveda.

Notre Dame of Maryland University, Maryland University of Integrative Health Announce Acquisition Agreement

Laurel, MD, October 26, 2023 —

Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU) and Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH) announce an agreement for Notre Dame to acquire MUIH, which it will initially continue to operate independently of NDMU. After a transition period during which MUIH and NDMU will remain separately authorized and separately accredited postsecondary institutions, NDMU plans to ultimately merge MUIH’s graduate-level programs in integrative health and wellness into NDMU and to add a School of Integrative Health at NDMU. The acquisition transaction is expected to occur in early 2024, subject to receipt of regulatory and accrediting agency approvals and various other milestones, with the secondstep merger of MUIH programs into NDMU anticipated to take place in late 2024 or 2025.

The expected ultimate merger of MUIH into NDMU would incorporate MUIH’s programs with NDMU’s already robust health sciences offerings. Established in 1895, Notre Dame is a non-profit, private comprehensive Catholic university that offers a wide variety of career-focused undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and certificate programs. The agreement would bring together two institutions whose missions and values focus on educating the whole person.

This will mark the first such school dedicated to integrative health within a comprehensive university in the country. The School of Integrative Health at NDMU will ensure the continued education and development of integrative health professionals to further build and support the field of integrative health. The integration of MUIH as a part of Notre Dame will help foster the interprofessional understanding needed for the effective collaboration of integrative health and conventional health care fields in service of the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

“Offering programs in both traditional health sciences and integrative health is unique and will position NDMU as one of the nation’s most distinctive leaders in healthcare education,” said Dr. Marylou Yam, president of Notre Dame of Maryland University. “With the demand for all health professions expected to increase over the next decade, this opportunity to add integrative health programs ensures that NDMU will continue to educate innovative healthcare leaders and caregivers.”

Currently, NDMU’s professional health programs include bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nursing, a Doctor of Pharmacy, a Doctorate in Occupational Therapy, a Master’s in Physician Assistant Studies and Maryland’s first bachelor and master’s degree programs in Art Therapy. NDMU will continue to offer MUIH’s online programs in nutrition, health and wellness coaching, health promotion, herbal medicine, integrative health studies, Ayurveda, and yoga therapy, as well as the campus-based acupuncture programs.

“MUIH is pleased to continue its pioneering graduate degree and certificate programs at NDMU in a new School of Integrative Health,” said Marc Levin, president of Maryland University of Integrative Health. “We recognize the value that NDMU brings in providing a home for MUIH’s outstanding integrative health programs and continuing to educate leaders and professionals to provide a holistic care to individuals, families and communities.”

MUIH is a leading academic institution focused on the study and practice of integrative health and wellness and one of the few universities in the U.S. dedicated solely to such practices. Deeply rooted in a holistic philosophy, its model for integrative health is grounded in relationship-centered, evidenceinformed care. Since 1974, MUIH has been a values driven community educating practitioners and professionals to become future leaders in whole-person care through transformative programs grounded in traditional wisdom and contemporary science.


Frequently Asked Questions for Everyone

Why was this decision made?

Ultimately, this decision was made to ensure that MUIH’s programs continue to educate and develop integrative health professionals to support the overall health and well-being of individuals and communities. A strategic merger with a larger university that is a good fit and has resources to grow the academic programs and make enhancements for students, employees, and alumni is in the best interest of the university including fulfilling its mission.

Who made this decision?

The decision to enter into this agreement was made by the MUIH Board of Trustees. The Board is the highest-level governing body at MUIH. Such a decision is within the Board’s scope of authority and the Board has the sole authority at MUIH to make such a decision. The Board’s responsibilities include ensuring the university serves the public interest, fulfills its mission and goals, as well as having fiduciary responsibility for the university, establishing strategic direction, and appointing the President.

What was the process that led to this proposed transaction with NDMU?

In 2022, the MUIH Board of Trustees approved the process of hiring Huron Consulting Group, an independent consulting firm with expertise in higher education, to assist with finding a strategic partner for MUIH. This organization reached out to over one hundred colleges and universities across the U.S. to explore interest in considering a strategic arrangement with MUIH. Institutions that were interested had information about MUIH and discussions took place with MUIH to determine their level of interest. Ultimately a few finalists were selected based on their proposals and other factors and they made final proposals to the MUIH Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees selected NDMU.

Why was NDMU selected as the merger partner?

NDMU was selected based on its complementary institutional mission and educational offerings, shared values, geographic proximity, similar student population base and size, resources, alignment of organizational needs, and common institutional accreditor. MUIH believes that sufficient overlap and synergies exist between the two institutions that make it desirable to merge into NDMU. MUIH’s mission to “promote whole-person and community health and wellness through relationship centered integrative health education, care, and leadership,” fits within NDMU’s broader mission to “educate leaders to transform the world.” One of MUIH’s foundational principles is “transformation,” and both universities recognize the potential for profound and ongoing personal and community change that the educational environment can catalyze. MUIH’s values of community, mindfulness, integrity, and discernment are aligned with NDMU’s culture as a faith-based institution. Both institutions aspire to excellence, value inclusiveness, serve the community, and promote social responsibility to current and future generations. Both institutions’ missions focus on the holistic development of the whole person and building strong communities through education and engagement. That community building in each university begins at the instructtional level in which a premium is placed on personalized instruction. Bringing the respective curricula, faculty, and students together in a single institution will strengthen the commitment to care, service, and leadership that is at the core of both universities.

What other institutions were considered?

In 2022, MUIH engaged an external consultant with expertise in higher education mergers and acquisitions to evaluate MUIH, make recommendations on the possibilities to address the University’s needs, and facilitate outreach to over one hundred colleges and universities and other potential partners across the country. Non-disclosure agreements signed between MUIH and other entities do not permit us to share the names of those organizations.

What are the benefits of the acquisition and merger with NDMU?

The fiscal stability gained through this agreement ensures long-term sustainability of MUIH’s programs, as well as the education and development of more integrative health professionals. The close alignment of NDMU’s mission with that of MUIH ensures the long-term furtherance of the values and foundational principles that MUIH holds at its core. The synergy of MUIH’s programs and NDMU’s suite of undergraduate and graduate programs in conventional health, wellness, and medical fields diversifies the opportunities available to students, including new educational pathways, educational resources, and interprofessional education and development experiences. Improved technology-based systems will better support students, enable more efficient work by employees, and ensure ready availability of data to support students and inform planning and decision-making.

What are the benefits of the formation of a new School of Integrative Health within a comprehensive university?

NDMU will create a new School of Integrative Health to ultimately serve as the new home of MUIH’s programs and students. The placement of this School in a comprehensive university can serve as a model for other institutions and provides benefits for students, faculty, and the field of integrative health. It increases the diversity of thought, perspectives, and cultures among students, faculty, and staff, and their interactions with one another. It also increases the breadth and depth of educational and scholarly resources available to students and faculty. These in turn enhance the curriculum, teaching, and learning. They also foster interprofessional understanding for students and faculty in both integrative health and conventional health care disciplines. This understanding, in turn, strengthens students’ ability to collaborate effectively and respectfully with professionals in other fields after graduation, in support of the health and wellness of others.

Is MUIH closing?

MUIH is not closing, but is undergoing an acquisition and ultimate merger transaction. MUIH’s nonprofit operating entity will change as a result of the acquisition by NDMU. During the transition period the school will continue to operate under the name “Maryland University of Integrative Health.” After the Transition Period, MUIH’s academic programs and students will be incorporated into NDMU as a new School of Integrative Health.

Will the MUIH name live on?

Following the change in ownership in early 2024 and during the Transition Period, MUIH will continue to operate separately from NDMU and under its current name. Following the Transition Period and upon the merger with NDMU, MUIH will cease to exist as a stand-alone institution and its academic programs and students will be incorporated into NDMU as a new School of Integrative Health.

Will MUIH’s identity, mission and legacy be preserved?

Following the Transition Period and upon the merger with NDMU, , MUIH will cease to exist as a stand-alone institution and its academic programs and students will be incorporated into NDMU as a new School of Integrative Health. During the Transition Period, MUIH and NDMU will collaboratively determine how MUIH’s legacy and various physical artifacts will be preserved and/or dispersed.

Is MUIH still accepting new student applications?

Yes. MUIH will continue to accept new students and is currently accepting new student applications. Students will be taught their full program in the curriculum and delivery format in which they enrolled by MUIH through the Transition Period and by NDMU after the subsequent merger.

When will I know more information about the acquisition, transition, and final merger?

MUIH will provide updates on the transition activities on a regular basis, as they become available. Detailed updates will be provided to students, faculty, and staff via email. General updates will be provided on MUIH’s website.

Who do I contact if I have questions or concerns?


MUIH students and employees should check their email for the link to additional FAQs posted on MyMUIH.

Frequently Asked Questions for Students

What are some of the benefits of this transaction for current and future students?

NDMU is a larger and comprehensive university with more resources than MUIH and this will enhance all aspects of operations including student-facing services and the student experience. Benefits include enhanced technology and systems, learning and library resources, and student support services. More resources will be available to devote to career services and growing the field of integrative health, and students will have a broader and more diversified alumni and professional network to tap into after graduation. The synergy of MUIH’s programs with NDMU’s suite of programs in conventional health, wellness, and medical fields diversifies the opportunities available to students, including new educational pathways, educational resources, and interprofessional education and development experiences. The transaction will also increase access to individuals located in states from which MUIH has not been allowed to recruit from to date.

Can students finish their degree program(s)?

Yes. MUIH intends to continue offering all programs during the Transition Period. MUIH and NDMU have executed a formal Teach-Out Agreement in which NDMU will continue to offer all MUIH programs to then-enrolled students following the ultimate merger. No programs are being discontinued as a result of this acquisition and merger. (Note that unrelated to the acquisition and merger, the acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine programs will be discontinued as of December 2025 as originally planned and announced.)

Will students’ program, curriculum, and delivery format change?

There will not be changes in current students’ program, curriculum, or delivery format as a result of the acquisition and merger. Students will continue in the same program, curriculum, and delivery format in which they were enrolled prior to acquisition taking place in early 2024.

Will the faculty change?

MUIH and NDMU intend to retain the current MUIH faculty.

How does this transaction impact the diploma I earn?

Diplomas earned from Traditional Acupuncture Institute, Tai Sophia Institute, and Maryland University of Integrative Health prior to the acquisition and merger are not impacted by the transaction. They continue to be valid degrees that were awarded by institutions with state authority to do so, and from accredited institutions and programs.

What are the implications of having a diploma from MUIH once MUIH ceases to exist?

It is common for individuals to hold degrees and diplomas from an institution that no longer exists. This occurs when an institution merges into another institution, as is the case with MUIH’s transaction with NDMU, or when an institution closes. This occurrence is becoming more prevalent as the number of colleges and universities in the U.S. that have merged into another or closed continues to grow. As a result, employers and other organizations are becoming more familiar with this occurrence and the means by which to verify an individual’s degree.
Some employers, admission offices, scholarship and granting entities, and other organizations have a standard practice of verifying a student’s degree, regardless of whether the institution the student attended still exists. Registrar offices routinely provide verification of enrollment status, degrees earned, that the degree was earned from an accredited institution, and that the degree was earned in an accredited program. MUIH’s Office of the Registrar already provides this service on a regular basis and will continue to do so for students and graduates of Traditional Acupuncture Institute (TAI), Tai Sophia Institute, and MUIH. NDMU’s Office of the Registrar also provides these services and after the merger will provide such services for TAI, Tai Sophia Institute, and MUIH students and graduates.
Graduates can also adopt some practices that will help them navigate this occurrence. Graduates that received their degree from MUIH can note ‘now part of Notre Dame of Maryland University’ on their resume. Graduates that receive their degree from NDMU can note ‘formerly Maryland University of Integrative Health’ on their resume.

Should students indicate MUIH or NDMU on their FAFSA application?

Students should indicate MUIH on their FAFSA application for the foreseeable future. Students will not become eligible for federal financial aid through NDMU until the final merger occurs, estimated to be a year or more away.

Will MUIH continue to teach acupuncture and herbal medicine students through December 2025, as previously announced by MUIH?

Yes, following the acquisition in early 2024, acupuncture and herbal medicine student students will continue to have their programs offered through December 2025.

How will students access their official records?

For the foreseeable future, students will continue to access their official records via the MyMUIH data portal, and can continue to request transcripts, diplomas, and enrollment and degree verifications for external entities using MUIH’s processes. Eventually, following the ultimate merger of MUIH into NDMU, MUIH’s student records will be migrated to NDMU’s student record system; this migration will take several months to accomplish. Students will be notified when student records have been transferred to NDMU and they will be provided with directions to access their records. Information will be emailed to students and posted on MUIH’s Academic Records and Transcript’s webpage when it becomes available. Following the merger, students will be able to access their records from NDMU’s Registrar’s Office.


MUIH students and employees should check their email for the link to additional FAQs posted on MyMUIH.

Frequently Asked Questions for Alumni

Which institution do I say I graduated from?

Alumni degrees are based on the name of the institution at the time they completed their program.

How does this transaction impact the diploma I earned?

Diplomas earned from Traditional Acupuncture Institute, Tai Sophia Institute, and Maryland University of Integrative Health prior to the acquisition and merger are not impacted by the transaction. They continue to be valid degrees that were awarded by institutions with state authority to do so, and from accredited programs and institutions.

How does this transaction impact my eligibility for licensure and other forms of professional credentials?

As always, alumni should contact their state licensing agency and other professional credentialing entities directly to inquire about their requirements. Such entities will indicate generally whether an academic degree is required and if so, they will specify characteristics of the degree such as an undergraduate or graduate degree, a degree in a particular field of study, particular topic areas covered within the degree, specific didactic and clinical hours within the degree, and/or degrees awarded by an accredited and approved institution or program. Typically, receiving a degree from a specific institution is not a requirement for licensure or other forms of professional credentials. In the event alumni encounter such a rare case, MUIH and NDMU stand ready to assist with the verification of degrees that were awarded by Traditional Acupuncture Institute, Tai Sophia Institute, and Maryland University of Integrative Health. See below for degree verification directions.

Will I receive a new diploma with the name of NDMU on it?

No. Alumni will continue to use the valid diplomas they were originally issued from Traditional Acupuncture Institute, Tai Sophia Institute, and Maryland University of Integrative Health.

How will alumni access their official records and order transcripts and replacement diplomas?

Before the acquisition and merger are completed, alumni will continue to access their official records and order transcripts and replacement diplomas by following directions posted on the MUIH Academic Records and Transcript’s webpage or by contacting MUIH’s Office of the Registrar at . Eventually, following the ultimate merger of MUIH into NDMU, MUIH’s student records will be migrated to NDMU’s student record system; this migration will take several months to accomplish. Alumni who have a current email address on file with MUIH will be notified when student records have been transferred to NDMU and how alumni can access their records and order transcripts and replacement diplomas. This information will also be posted on MUIH’s Academic Records and Transcript’s webpage when it becomes available. Following the merger, alumni will be able to access their records and order transcripts and replacement diplomas from NDMU’s Registrar’s Office.

Who will verify my MUIH degrees for the purposes of employment, licensure, and admission to other colleges and universities?

Before the acquisition and merger are completed, MUIH will continue to verify MUIH degrees for the purposes of employment, licensure, and admission to other colleges and universities. Alumni will continue to place such requests with MUIH by following directions posted on the MUIH Academic Records and Transcript’s webpage or by contacting MUIH’s Office of the Registrar at . Eventually, MUIH’s student records will be migrated to NDMU’s student record system; this migration will take several months to accomplish. Alumni who have a current email address on file with MUIH will be notified when student records have been transferred to NDMU and how alumni can place requests for degree verification for employment, licensure, and admission to other colleges and universities. This information will also be posted on MUIH’s Academic Records and Transcript’s webpage when it becomes available. Following the merger, alumni will be able to access their records from NDMU’s Registrar’s Office, and NDMU will verify MUIH degrees for the purposes of employment, licensure, and admission to other colleges and universities in the future. At that time, alumni will follow the directions posted on the NDMU’s Registrar’s Office webpage.

Will alumni still have access to career support services?

Graduates of Traditional Acupuncture Institute, Tai Sophia Institute, and Maryland University of Integrative Health will have access to career support services through either MUIH or NDMU, depending on the timeline of the acquisition and ultimate merger. Alumni will continue to work MUIH’s Office of Career Services and contact until notified otherwise. When it becomes available, information about transitioning to career services provided by NDMU will be emailed to alumni who have a current email address on file with MUIH and posted on MUIH’s Career Services webpage and NDMU’s Career Center webpage.

Will MUIH alumni still have access to their MUIH email account and O365 applications?

MUIH alumni who have access to their MUIH email account and O365 applications will continue to have access until such time that MUIH email accounts are converted to NDMU email accounts. At this time, we do not know how long it will be for this transition. Alumni who have access to their MUIH email account will be notified via that account in advance of the transition date so they can plan to save any materials and communications stored in their email box.

Will the MUIH Alumni Association continue to exist after the merger?

Following the ultimate merger of MUIH into NDMU, expected to occur sometime in early 2025, the MUIH Alumni Association will be merged into the NDMU Alumni Association. Individuals who are current members of the Alumni Association will be notified by email of the timing of this transition and how to access NDMU Alumni Association benefits and activities. Alumni are encouraged to officially join the MUIH Alumni Association if they have not yet done so to ensure they receive Association transition information; membership is free of charge.

Will I still have access to the same alumni benefits that I had through MUIH and its alumni association?

Members of the MUIH Alumni Association will continue to have access to this association’s benefits until it is dissolved. Members of the MUIH Alumni Association will have the opportunity to become members of the NDMU Alumni Association and have access to the opportunities and benefits provided by the NDMU Alumni Association. Individuals who are current members of the MUIH Alumni Association will be notified by email of the timing of this transition. Alumni are encouraged to officially join the MUIH Alumni Association if they have not yet done so to ensure they receive Association transition information; membership is free of charge.

How can alumni ensure they receive updates and directions for accessing their records, ordering transcripts and diplomas, using career services, and being included in events open to alumni in the future?

Graduates of Traditional Acupuncture Institute, Tai Sophia Institute, and Maryland University of Integrative Health are encouraged to update their email address and postal mailing address with MUIH by completing the form to join the MUIH Alumni Association. There is no fee associated with doing so.


MUIH students and employees should check their email for the link to additional FAQs posted on MyMUIH.