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The Workplace Wellness PBC provides educational and career opportunities for professionals in a variety of fields, including employee health nurses, occupational health workers, and others who need expertise in workplace wellness, such as human resource professionals, personnel directors, safety department personnel, health care insurance professionals.
The program features distinctive integrative health-based coursework focused on practices such as self-care, self-reflection, movement/physical activity, and integrative nutrition that are not found in other workplace wellness programs. Students also learn the components of program needs assessment and planning, fundamentals of practice, and effective program evaluation including value on investment.
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Compare Health Promotion and Health and Wellness Coaching Programs at MUIH
Health and wellness coaches and health promotion professionals both promote health and wellness by concentrating on long-term behavior change.
“I would say that being able to communicate a message of healing, inspiring clients and students to think and live bigger and more fully, and having the skill to guide people through authentic transformative change where life is actually *experienced* differently, is my greatest juice. That people are flying in from around the country to work with me, and inviting me to teach across the country, is the external validation that something awesome is happening. But that validation is secondary; the true success is the feeling that comes with big work done well. When that happens, everyone involved heals.”
–Bridget Hargadon Hughes, MUIH Alum