Your Journey Starts Here. Now Enrolling for Fall 2024.
The Post-Masters Certificate in Nutrition & Integrative Health provides a contextualized understanding of nutritional science and biochemistry. Through exploration of traditional dietary practices and a critical evaluation of current paradigms of nutrition, food, and health, students will learn to integrate a biochemical and molecular understanding of nutrition into a broader context of whole food healing and whole person health and wellness care.
The program provides students the opportunity to study in a cohort of like-minded healthcare professionals in a scholarly community entirely centered on wellness. Together, students focus on practical patient/client applications such as creating treatment plans using whole foods and nutritional supplementation, helping patients distinguish between food fads, trends, and sound nutrition information, and learning to apply and teach whole foods cooking.
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How to Become a Certified Nutrition Specialist
Why become a CNS? This kind of advanced training gives a person the chance to make meaningful, sustainable, and evidence-informed impacts on the health and lives of individuals, families, and communities.
“I was really looking for a program that went beyond macronutrients and calories considering a client’s whole person including sleep, stress, lifestyle, etc. My own journey to health and weight loss required so much more than “dieting,” and I want to provide my clients a more personal, integrative plan for health.”
-Kateri Payne, MUIH Nutrition Program Alumna