Apps & Technology

Academic support


Accommodations Request letter

Documentation Requirements

Documentation is used to support and assist our office in gaining a greater understanding of:

  • The student’s disability
  • The impact of symptoms on their academic performance
  • Identification of academic barriers
  • The development of their accommodation plan

For All Disabilities: A typed /written and signed letter from an appropriate professional is needed. The letter should include:

  • History of the disability
  • Description of the current impact and functional limitations as it relates to meeting the various demands of higher education (academically, socially, emotionally, physically, etc.)
  • Expected progression or stability
  • Recommendations for accommodations or services
  • Implications of existing co-morbid conditions
  • Additional observations and/or recommendations

For Cognitive Disabilities, including Learning Disabilities, attention deficit disorders, and any condition affecting brain functioning, a comprehensive neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluation is encouraged.

If the student already has documentation that meets our Documentation Guidelines, they may submit it.

A 504 Plan, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Summary of Performance (SOP) can be submitted as documentation as long as the information provided describes the current impact of the condition and makes a relevant connection between the disability and the accommodation(s) being requested.

The Director of Accessibility review the documentation closely to consider the provider’s analysis of the impact of the disability on the student’s academic performance, analyze suggestions for accommodations and compare it to the student’s disclosure on the initial form.

Note: Only the Office of Accessibility Services has access to the student’s files. Any personal information included in the accommodation process will never be shared per FERPA, HIPPA, and ADA guidelines.

Disability specific list