Prospective Students, Professional and Continuing Education Guests and Visitors
Welcome to MUIH! Please contact Disability Services and Accessibility as soon as possible at or 410-906-5808 as far in advance as possible if you need an interpreter, captioning services, or any other services in order to access MUIH programs and services. Disability Services and Accessibility also offers disability-related pre-admission counseling to prospective students to discuss services and potential accommodations.
Students Requesting Accommodations
The university provides reasonable accommodations for eligible students. These accommodations may include interpreter or transcription services, note taking assistance, testing accommodations (e.g. extended time, reader, scribe, etc.), alternative texts, accessible course materials and more.
Students are not required to disclose their disability(ies) to the University, but must register with Disability Services and Accessibility to receive accommodations. Accommodations are designed to eliminate disability-related barriers, and they are determined on a case-by-case basis through a comprehensive, interactive process that includes the student’s request, self-report, the Disability Services and Accessibility coordinator’s observation, and documentation. To register, please complete the process described below:
1. Complete the Accommodation Request Form
2. Provide disability/accommodation information that you believe is appropriate. This could include medical records, evaluations or a detailed assessment from a qualified healthcare provider. This most helpful documentation should include:
• History of the disability
• Description of the current impact and functional limitations as it relates to meeting the various demands of higher education (academically, socially, emotionally, physically, etc.)
• Expected progression or stability
• Recommendations for accommodations or services
• Implications of existing co-morbid conditions
• Additional observations and/or recommendations
2. Schedule a welcome meeting with a member of the Accessibility team once you receive confirmation that Disability Services has received all your materials. During this meeting, we’ll discuss barriers to access, reasonable accommodations that address those barriers, and services that you may need.
3. Communicate with your instructor(s). Once accommodations are determined, Accessibility Services will distribute accommodation letters to faculty for the courses you requested. You are encouraged to participate in a confidential conversation with your instructor about how your accommodations are implemented in the course. As a reminder, you are not required to discuss the nature of your disability with your faculty.
4. Keep in touch with Disability Services and Accessibility. Let us know right away if you are not receiving accommodations for which you are eligible or if your needs change.
Important Points to Remember
- MUIH adheres to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regarding confidentiality.
- Students are not required to disclose their disability to MUIH if they are not requesting accommodations.
- Accommodations can be requested at any time and are initiated once accommodation letters are sent to faculty by Disability Services and Accessibility. Please note that some accommodations such as interpreters, captioning, alternate texts and note taking can take 2-4 weeks to implement.
- Accommodations are not retroactive.
- Accommodations letters do not carry over from one trimester to the next – they are sent only with the student’s permission each term. Please provide us with the courses for which you need accommodations using the Letter Request Form. While accommodations can be requested at any time, the most ideal time frame to request these accommodations is during the registration period.
Related policies and grievance procedure are located here.