MUIH celebrated over 320 graduates who completed programs during the summer 2023, fall 2023, spring 2024, and summer 2024 trimesters during its commencement ceremony on May 19. Linda Simons, D.Ac., M.Ac., served as the Academic Speaker as both a graduating student in the Doctor of Acupuncture program and a longtime MUIH acupuncture faculty member. The guest speaker was Gail C. Christopher, D.N., Executive Director for the National Collaborative for Health Equity and an award-winning social change agent, author, and national leader with expertise in the social determinants of health and well-being and related public policies. The ceremony included MUIH’s traditional What a Wonderful World musical infusion. Gregory Ochoa, Ph.D., Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Keren Dolan, D.C.N, Instructor in Nutrition and Herbal Medicine, provided the invocation and benediction, respectively.