Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is an all-encompassing federal law that prohibits discrimination based on the gender of students and employees of educational institutions which received federal financial assistance.

Every institution must have a designated Title IX coordinator. The University has named Melissa Cahill, as the Title IX Coordinator and Director of Human Enrichment. The Title IX coordinator oversees that creation of policies, procedures and notifications designed to ensure compliance with Title IX; supervises the implementation of compliance procedures, including investigation and disposition of complaints; answers questions and provides guidance about Title IX compliance.

Phone: 410-888-9048 x 6641


On Campus

Off Campus

Title IX Policy

Reporting Options

  • Reporting to Police
    • Call 911
  • Reporting to University
    • Title IX Coordinator
    • Ambassador
    • Mandatory Reporters

What to Do After An Assault

  • Immediately after an assault
    • Go to a safe place, away from further harm
    • Lock the door and call 911. If you can’t call, ask the front desk to call the police.
    • Call a friend or family or someone you trust to take you to an area where you feel safe.
    • Preserve all physical evidence of the assault. Do not bathe, shower, douche or brush your teeth. Do not wash or discard any articles of clothing worn during the assault.

Educational Topics

  • January – Stalking Awareness Month
  • April – Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  • October – Dating Violence Awareness Month


Training Materials 

Investigator Training

Decisions Makers and Student Conduct 

Advanced Coordinator Training