Laurel, MD – Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH) is pleased to announce its new partnership agreement with the Holistic Chamber of Commerce. MUIH and the Holistic Chamber of Commerce […]
World Gratitude Day is on Saturday, September 21. Here are several ways you can can experience and share gratitude within your own environment.
MUIH is pleased to announce that we have recently joined AmazonSmile! AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support MUIH every time you shop, at no cost to you. By designating MUIH as your charitable organization on AmazonSmile, you’ll be supporting our community and our mission to promote integrative health and wellness across the globe!
Can you relate to a time of transition in your life? Read new blog posting about Transition is Growth by our Associate Vice President of Student and Alumni Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer, Tita Gray, Ed.D, MBA.
In striving to be healthy, have you ever stopped to wonder what “health” means? National Wellness Month begins August 1st, and MUIH’s Dean of Academic Affairs, James Snow, offers some great questions to help us define our own sense of health.