Our first yoga therapy student interns are now scheduling appointments to see clients at the MUIH Natural Care Center. Yoga therapy is a rapidly growing healing discipline that is effective for a wide range of physical and emotional challenges. You likely know how effective a yoga practice can be – imagine the possibilities of using yoga therapy to heal!
We’re so excited to welcome our new students! As MUIH continues to grow, so too does the diversity of our student population.
Sometimes I sense we yearn for the day when all of life’s challenges magically melt away. However, what I have learned along my journey thus far in life is that while we’ll never be able to completely avoid life’s challenges, we can look at the situation from a new perspective, or in coaching terms, learn to “reframe” our experiences.
Worsley Five Element Clearing Protocols in the Treatment of PTSD Research Design by Janice Campbell and Hunter Thompson, Acupuncture Professors Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To study the treatment effect of Worsley five […]
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in the Improvement of Emesis, Nausea and Food Aversion among Cancer Treatment Patients Research Design by Jason Bosley-Smith, Nutrition & Integrative Health Program Student Abstract Patients undergoing […]