Recent Blog Posts

Is Your Career Contributing to Your Well-Being?

We all know how important it is to pay attention to our health, but have you ever thought about your career health? Career health is a very important aspect of health and wellness because we spend so much time at work. If you aren’t working in a suitable career, it can have a detrimental effect on other aspects of your health and your overall well-being.

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What is Qigong and what can it do for me?

Qigong can be described as a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one’s mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, breathing technique, self-massage, sound, and focused intent. There are likely thousands of Qigong styles, schools, traditions, forms, and lineages, each with practical applications and different theories about Qi (“subtle breath” or “vital energy”) and Gong (“skill cultivated through steady practice”).

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Kids Just Want to Have Snacks!

It is summer, school is out, and kids spend a lot of their free time outside.  With time outside, kids tend to forget to stay hydrated yet still come inside for a snack.  One way to ensure kids stay hydrated as well as consume healthy snacks, it to make snack time into project time.

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What is So Amazing About Using Herbs to Promote Gut Health?

If your gut is not digesting and absorbing then the rest of the body is going to suffer. Just in the United States 60-70 million people are affected by some type of digestive disease. Some of the more common ones include reflux (GERD), ulcers in the stomach, chronic constipation and/or chronic diarrhea which may fall under irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, celiac disease, and inflammatory bowel conditions.

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Juvenile Arthritis and Yoga

In our research, we have found that yoga decreases pain, improves mood, and bolsters quality of life for adults with arthritis. Less quantified, but perhaps more importantly, we have heard many stories describing how yoga can transform one’s relationship to the disease, to the body, to life with arthritis and even to life overall.

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