Recent Blog Posts

Mindfulness on Capitol Hill: What Happens When A Meditation Expert Visits Congress?

Last month, MUIH’s Steffany Moonaz, Ph.D., Assistant Director for Academic Research, returned to Capitol Hill to lead a monthly meditation session for members of Congress and their staffers. This ongoing initiative was developed by Rep. Tim Ryan (OH), a champion of mindfulness and meditation practice. We recently interviewed Dr. Moonaz about her experience, and the importance mindful-based practices in today’s political landscape.

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iRest® Meditation: A Tool to Meet the Stress of Life and Increase Well-Being

Karen Soltes explores iRest® Yoga Nidra as a tool for dealing with anxiety. iRest is a research-based transformative practice of deep relaxation and meditative inquiry that helps individuals deal with difficult emotions and beliefs by reconnecting with their deep, innate sense of wholeness and essential well-being that remains untouched by life’s events and circumstances.

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Three Ways to Increase Your Productivity and Time Management in Work, School, and Life

With school back in session and work plugging along, it can be hard to manage all the different tasks and activities life throws. MUIH Health and Wellness Coaching ambassador Sherry Leikin shares three effective actions you can take to keep your feet on the ground, your vision bright and clear, and any new experiences you take on joyful ones.

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Seeing Spots at the Olympics: The Science Behind Cupping

Michael Phelps and other Olympic athletes have been proudly sporting distinctive purple bruises in Rio, which has brought new attention to an ancient Chinese medicine technique called “cupping.” In this article, our faculty explain the basic tenants behind the practice, how it works, and why it’s important to see a qualified professional for best results.

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Inside the Herb Garden: Summer, Fall, and Winter Blooms

Though we are in the dead of heat now, summer has been flying by and the crisp air of fall will be upon us soon. In preparation for the summer season peak, we sat down to chat with Andrea Miller, a student in the Master of Science in Therapeutic Herbalism program and the new gardener in the herb garden at MUIH. Andrea shared her knowledge with us about what’s in season, what we should plant now in preparation for cooler months, and what some of her best practices for gardening include.

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