Recent Blog Posts

Research Day Winner: Jason Bosley-Smith on MBSR for Cancer Patients

We interviewed Jason Bosley-Smith, winner of the President’s Award at this year’s Research Day for his research poster on using mindfulness-based stress reduction to alleviate emesis, nausea, and food aversion among cancer treatment patients.

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How Consumers Associate Wellness with Food; New Research

James Snow, interim academic director for integrative health sciences, was one of 10 researchers who developed the “WellSense Profile” – a 45-item questionnaire that measured participants’ wellness response to food across five dimensions – emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual.

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Restoration & Balance: Chinese Medicine’s Gift to Survivors of Trauma

We are hard-wired to transform and heal traumatic experiences in the same way that it is in our nature to be overwhelmed and flooded by them.

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MUIH Faculty Tips: Keep Your Immune System Strong This Winter

We’ve got a few more weeks left of winter – wouldn’t it be great to stay strong and healthy during this time? We asked several faculty members from our yoga, nutrition, herbal medicine, health and wellness coaching, and acupuncture and Oriental medicine programs to answer this question: What are some of the top tips you’d give a client to help them maintain a strong immune system during this time of year?

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HEALTH CARE: Critical Questions. Integrative Answers.

Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH), a national leader in the field of integrative health, is hosting a seminal and inspiring dialog among prominent thought leaders in this expanding area of health care.

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An MUIH education is not just for living, but for life.