October’s Health Literacy Month is a global advocacy initiative that underscores the importance of understanding and interpreting health information. As we reflect upon the essence of health literacy, two modalities stand out for their profound influence on personal health advocacy: herbal medicine and nutrition. These pillars, deeply rooted in nature’s wisdom, empower individuals to take charge of their health and make informed decisions that resonate with holistic well-being. 

The Essence of Health Literacy 

Health literacy encompasses the capacity of individuals to obtain, process, and understand fundamental health information and services, enabling them to make informed decisions. This involves: 

  • Deciphering Health Information: Grasping key details about one’s health conditions, medications, and management strategies. 
  • Navigating the Healthcare System: Understanding the intricate workings of the healthcare landscape. 
  • Open Dialogue: Facilitating transparent communications with healthcare providers to address concerns and receive tailored advice

Integrative Medicine & The Wider Spectrum 

Integrative medicine, marrying conventional and alternative treatments, accentuates holistic health, considering the entirety of an individual—mind, body, and spirit. Such an approach encourages patients to actively participate in their wellness journey, often integrating preventive practices with symptom management. 

Herbal Medicine: Nature’s Healing Touch 

An age-old practice, herbal medicine taps into the curative power of plants, offering a natural, holistic approach to healing. 

Key Insights: 

  • Natural Remedies: Predominantly using plant-based ingredients, herbal medicines tend to have fewer side effects and promote holistic healing. 
  • Preventive Focus: Numerous herbs bolster the body’s natural defenses, paving the way for preventive healthcare. 
  • Tailored Healing: Herbal treatments can be personalized, considering individual health needs and challenges. 

Nutrition: The Cornerstone of Wellness 

Undoubtedly, nutrition forms the bedrock of health. It’s a testament to the adage, “You are what you eat.” 

Key Highlights: 

  • Balanced Intake: A diet rich in essential nutrients supports optimal bodily functions and vitality. 
  • Combatting Chronic Ailments: Appropriate nutritional choices can serve as a shield against chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart ailments. 
  • Conscious Consumption: Mindful eating promotes healthier eating habits, cultivating a more informed relationship with food. 

Synergizing Herbal Medicine and Nutrition 

  • Enhanced Awareness: Gaining insights into herbal medicine and nutrition empowers individuals to make health decisions that align with their personal beliefs and objectives. 
  • Constructive Conversations: Knowledge fosters meaningful engagements with healthcare professionals, allowing patients to seek integrative health solutions. 
  • Wholesome Approach: Both modalities prioritize holistic health, addressing the root causes of issues rather than just managing symptoms. 

MUIH: Championing Health Literacy and Advocacy 

Maryland University of Integrative Health stands as a beacon in integrative health education with its distinguished herbal medicine and nutrition programs. MUIH’s holistic curriculum cultivates well-informed advocates equipped with both traditional wisdom and modern insights. As Health Literacy Month unfolds, MUIH’s role in fostering informed health decisions and personal advocacy shines ever brighter. 

Embracing Health Literacy: The Power of Herbal Medicine and Nutrition in Personal Advocacy

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October’s Health Literacy Month is a global advocacy initiative that underscores the importance of understanding and interpreting health information. As we reflect upon the essence of health literacy, two modalities stand out for their profound influence on personal health advocacy: herbal medicine and nutrition. These pillars, deeply rooted in nature’s wisdom, empower individuals to take charge of their health and make informed decisions that resonate with holistic well-being. 

The Essence of Health Literacy 

Health literacy encompasses the capacity of individuals to obtain, process, and understand fundamental health information and services, enabling them to make informed decisions. This involves: 

Integrative Medicine & The Wider Spectrum 

Integrative medicine, marrying conventional and alternative treatments, accentuates holistic health, considering the entirety of an individual—mind, body, and spirit. Such an approach encourages patients to actively participate in their wellness journey, often integrating preventive practices with symptom management. 

Herbal Medicine: Nature’s Healing Touch 

An age-old practice, herbal medicine taps into the curative power of plants, offering a natural, holistic approach to healing. 

Key Insights: 

Nutrition: The Cornerstone of Wellness 

Undoubtedly, nutrition forms the bedrock of health. It’s a testament to the adage, “You are what you eat.” 

Key Highlights: 

Synergizing Herbal Medicine and Nutrition 

MUIH: Championing Health Literacy and Advocacy 

Maryland University of Integrative Health stands as a beacon in integrative health education with its distinguished herbal medicine and nutrition programs. MUIH’s holistic curriculum cultivates well-informed advocates equipped with both traditional wisdom and modern insights. As Health Literacy Month unfolds, MUIH’s role in fostering informed health decisions and personal advocacy shines ever brighter. 

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) announced some historic and exciting news: In CMS’ January 21st decision memo it formally announced it would reimburse acupuncture for chronic low back pain for Medicare recipients. This is a significant milestone on the path to getting acupuncture widely recognized for its ability to help the public with a persistent and difficult chronic condition. The fact that CMS, one of the largest federal agencies, has acknowledged the effectiveness of acupuncture holds promise for patients and acupuncturists.

CMS included licensed acupuncturists as one of the providers under its “auxiliary personnel” clause. This is currently the only way CMS could include acupuncturists as they are not listed as an approved provider of Medicare services in the Social Security Act (SSA). CMS used the avenue available to it at this time to include acupuncturists and acupuncture services in Medicare.

Acupuncturists will be allowed to provide these services under the “appropriate level” of supervision by either a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist. While this is not ideal, it is still a step in the right direction as the supervision is not required to be “direct”, and again this reflects the SSA limitations CMS is working within. As the American Society of Acupuncturists highlighted in their press release regarding CMS’ decision:

“While nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and physician assistants may not practice acupuncture, their supervisory availability also vastly expands the potential for collaborative agreements. It is implicit in this that these providers are not specifically directing the nature of the acupuncture treatment, but rather are collaboratively assuring patient diagnoses, safety, follow-up, and connection to the established care system.” https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Breaking-News–ASA-and-NCCAOM-Joint-Letter-regarding-CMS-Acupuncture-Determination.html?soid=1129429298898&aid=s70PLhiLpGk

This first step provides the most advantageous way under the current law to provide acupuncture to more Medicare recipients, recognize and include acupuncturists, and further elevate acupuncture as an effective treatment for chronic low back pain which, when not appropriately addressed, can lead to opioid misuse and addiction.

MUIH will continue to lend its support to efforts – big and small – that ensure the public has access to effective health and wellness opportunities and its graduates have a robust and fulfilling professional environment to step into when they graduate.

Medicare Coverage for Acupuncture Holds Promise for Patients

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acupuncture for chronic back pain

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) announced some historic and exciting news: In CMS’ January 21st decision memo it formally announced it would reimburse acupuncture for chronic low back pain for Medicare recipients. This is a significant milestone on the path to getting acupuncture widely recognized for its ability to help the public with a persistent and difficult chronic condition. The fact that CMS, one of the largest federal agencies, has acknowledged the effectiveness of acupuncture holds promise for patients and acupuncturists.

CMS included licensed acupuncturists as one of the providers under its “auxiliary personnel” clause. This is currently the only way CMS could include acupuncturists as they are not listed as an approved provider of Medicare services in the Social Security Act (SSA). CMS used the avenue available to it at this time to include acupuncturists and acupuncture services in Medicare.

Acupuncturists will be allowed to provide these services under the “appropriate level” of supervision by either a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist. While this is not ideal, it is still a step in the right direction as the supervision is not required to be “direct”, and again this reflects the SSA limitations CMS is working within. As the American Society of Acupuncturists highlighted in their press release regarding CMS’ decision:

“While nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and physician assistants may not practice acupuncture, their supervisory availability also vastly expands the potential for collaborative agreements. It is implicit in this that these providers are not specifically directing the nature of the acupuncture treatment, but rather are collaboratively assuring patient diagnoses, safety, follow-up, and connection to the established care system.” https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Breaking-News–ASA-and-NCCAOM-Joint-Letter-regarding-CMS-Acupuncture-Determination.html?soid=1129429298898&aid=s70PLhiLpGk

This first step provides the most advantageous way under the current law to provide acupuncture to more Medicare recipients, recognize and include acupuncturists, and further elevate acupuncture as an effective treatment for chronic low back pain which, when not appropriately addressed, can lead to opioid misuse and addiction.

MUIH will continue to lend its support to efforts – big and small – that ensure the public has access to effective health and wellness opportunities and its graduates have a robust and fulfilling professional environment to step into when they graduate.

An MUIH education is not just for living, but for life.