Posts by: stagemuih

PTSD in Client Relationships

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PTSD, or some less clinical form of emotional trauma is rampant on both the individual and societal level. Almost everyone has experienced some form of lingering emotional shock, whether directly or vicariously. As a culture, we may avoid or are highly reactive to certain topics/people, while at the same time may feel helpless to improve situations. Some of us get stuck in negativity or struggle. PTSD wears many faces and if we are not aware of working through our pain, we may get stuck there.

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MUIH Wellness Leadership Academy

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International speaker and author, Marcus Bird, from Wellness Leadership Academy (WLA), travelled all the way from Australia to present the latest cutting edge wellness industry trends at the very first Wellness Leadership Revolution event at the Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH) on March 20th. At this live 1 day event in partnership with MUIH’s Office of Professional and Continuing Education (PCE), holistic practitioners and entrepreneurs learned how to clarify their message, expand their reach, and maximize their positive impact in the world by discovering the insider secrets to becoming a wellness leader.  WLA helps wellness practitioners build their businesses to help fulfill on the mission of “Moving the World to Wellness” by teaching their members and followers become TEDx speakers, international coaches and bestselling authors. If you know you have a big mission to move the world to wellness, we would love to have you join us at MUIH for another 1 day event later in 2019 (date TBD). 

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What You Should Know About Academic and Professional Credentialing in Health and Wellness Coaching

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As the health and wellness coaching field has evolved, the number of choices has expanded for health, health and wellness, and/or wellness coach training programs, offered also by non-accredited organizations. Accredited and non-accredited programs are delivered in different formats—online, in-person, or hybrid. Here are some factors for you to consider when choosing a program that gets your health and wellness coaching career off to a good start.

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Expand Your Knowledge in Herbal Studies

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Curiosity about natural healing with herbs is universal. One way to deepen your knowledge of how to use herbs for your own health, as well for that of your family and friends is to take this 12-credit Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Herbal Studies. The training will provide herbal enthusiasts with a foundational knowledge of herbal sciences, as well as an understanding of the wellness-based tradition of herbal medicine.

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Primary Approaches to Ayurveda

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There are three primary approaches to Ayurveda, the first being ahara. Ahara focuses on a basic physical, or “constitutional” analysis of visual cues including a tongue, nail, and facial analysis, as well as approaches to health and well-being that focus on cooking, food, and culinary spices.

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MUIH’s Online Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs Recognized as Leaders by

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Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH), a national leader in the education and practice of integrative medicine, health, and wellness, is pleased to announce that two of its leading online programs have been recognized among the best in the nation by MUIH’s Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health has been ranked among the top ten online master’s in nutrition programs, and the Master of Science in Health Promotion program has been named the “Best Online Master’s in Health Education” for the second year in a row.

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